3 Questions to Ask Before Painting Your House

A bucket of paint can transform a dull room into a cozy and elegant one. Painting has existed for approximately 30,000 years, starting with cave dwellers who painted to draw representations of their life. Some of those paintings are still visible to date. You can transform any given space with proper painting. However, there are many unlicensed, inexperienced, and unqualified companies and people masquerading as professional painters. To avoid hiring the wrong painter, ask candidates the following three questions.

1. How Much Will the Job Cost?

Ask your painter whether or not they have a free quote. Ensure you also ask for a good price estimate. Prices may vary due to:

  • A request for higher quality paints
  • Unforeseen wall damage
  • Additional rooms
  • Industry price increases
  • Change of work orders

You must understand the total budget of the painting project. That way, there are no unexpected price changes when the project is in progress.

2. What Safety Measures Will Be in Place?

In case of safety hazards during the painting process, you need to ensure the contractor is aware of these and will come prepared. One common problem with many old homes is the presence of lead paints. This is supposed to be removed with care, using protective equipment and special tools, but not all painters have experience with lead paint removal. So, if there’s a risk of hazardous materials like lead paint, it’s good to notify the painter of these concerns when applying for a quote. Otherwise, you might be putting your family and painter at risk.

3. How Long Is Your Warranty, How Is it Funded, and What Does it Cover?

The painter should be insured to protect you in case of any house damage so you won’t be held responsible if someone gets injured while working. You also want a warranty for the job itself. So, what is the best warranty to trust? Here is what you need to confirm a great warranty:

  • It should be written and available for review
  • A great warranty should provide both material and labor for a covered defect
  • A one-year warranty is standard provided the work is done properly

Ensure you ask for their insurance copy and confirm if it’s up to date. The cost of hiring an uninsured painter is high, don’t take a chance on this!

Finding the right painter isn’t easy. But with the above three questions, you’ll get stress-free, mess-free painting services. Before painting your house, let them answer the above questions satisfactorily. That way, you will know the outcome will be great.